Serendipity: A happy accident. Finding something of immense value through an astonishingly beautiful circumstance of “randomness”.

Teledipity: Inserting that strange and powerful magic into your smartphone so it can touch you every day.

Our Story

our origins

Like all great app concepts, Teledipity was born inside the mind of a depressed, desolate and confused millennial.

He hated his job, feared for his finances and could not bring himself to feel hopeful about his future.

Lost, disoriented, thirsty and alone, he took himself up on a hike through the Hollywood mountains. He had never gone hiking by himself before. That morning, for some strange reason, he had the urge to do so.

He parked his car, changed his shoes and walked up the mountain. The decision felt so out of character that it was like some strange entity had taken over his body.

When he returned his car had disappeared. It had been crashed into the gate of a mansion down the street.

The accident placed him in front of a wise man he needed to meet, who imparted the wisdom he needed to hear, and handed him the book he needed to read.

The book helped him restore his faith in his own potential and urged him to develop new skills through online courses.

Realizing the urge to hike and subsequent crash had been no accident, he could only shed tears of joy in full awe of the invisible hand of the universe. It was clearly aware of the problem and fully invested in delivering a solution.

Seconds later, he received a clear vision of Teledipity when he closed his eyes: a smartphone application that could recreate the same magic.

Somehow, through some unique process, this magical app would know how to connect us with the books, articles and content we don’t even know exist but are destined to play an important role in our lives.

It would exist with the sole purpose of blocking the many forces that have a vested interest in making us doubt our own potential.

It would be built with the sole mission of constantly reminding us to take the fearless risks to follow our mission and live our best lives.


Over the course of six long and arduous years, the desolate millennial built the technology platform of his dreams.

He achieved the magic of serendipity as a software through Pythagoras’ theory of 9 year cycles (commonly known as Numerology). A fascinating system that divides life into patterns of lessons and opportunities, it drives our website’s carefully curated serendipitous weekly emails, book recommendations and original content (always designed to hit you at the right time).

This millennial is no dogmatic mind, and his beliefs cannot be pegged to any system or philosophy.

He uses numerology carefully, not as an explanation of life and the universe, not as a rigid set of beliefs, and not as a “TRUTH” that shalt not be questioned, but as a highly mysterious puzzle that happens to be incredibly effective at inducing ongoing introspection and sound goal-setting.

Teledipity has now touched 350,000 lives in over 200 countries around the world. Every day, it is gifted from one friend to another - always in beautiful moments of serendipity.

Our Team

Andrew Gabelic CEO & Founder

A dual citizen of Mexico and Croatia, Andrew was born and raised in Queretaro, Mexico. He graduated from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinema-Television in 2010 and later obtained an MPA in Non-Profit Organizational Management from the same institution.

Andrew spent seven years overseeing and building technology solutions for nonprofit organizations (from college athletic departments to human rights groups) before he launched Teledipity, a global wellness platform and online community with 554,334 subscribers from over 200 countries around the world. He is a three-time TEDx Speaker and a former fellow of the StartOUT SMART program. 

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