“Is hard work all you need to see your dreams come true, or could you fail even if you do everything in your power to achieve them? Most life questions have two seemingly conflicting, but simultaneously true answers, and this one is no different. Yes, you have full control of your destiny, and hard work, determination, and commitment are certain …
7 Minutes for Trusting Life and Restoring Optimism in Tough Times (PODCAST)
“Right before our fortune turns around (the second before everything finally changes) things don’t get better, they get worse and worse and worse. The small remnants of predictability begin to crumble. The cynicism finally takes over. But then the rules of your life change unexpectedly, from one second to the next. It’s like somebody flicked a switch: good fortune explodes …
Your Life is Like Levels in a Video Game (PODCAST)
“Your Life is Like Levels in a Video Game” by Andrew Gabelic “Life is not a long climb to a restful and peaceful plateau. It never was and it never will be. Life is a video game, every time you complete a level you advance into a new one. The new level will bring more adventures, more excitement, and yes …
Why Millennials Should be Scared of Netflix, Hulu, and HBOGo
With a backpack full of talents, a killer personality, and a brain jam-packed with dreams for the future, you are ready, willing, and able to get the very best out of your 20s. There is one tiny but significant change you can make to your lifestyle that can have a tremendous effect on your ability to reach your dream career …
Our Greatest Strength and Most Limiting Weakness: We All Care What People Think (PODCAST)
“The Panopticon” by Andrew Gabelic “There is who you are, and there is who you think you are because it’s who others want you to be. Sometimes one has the other strangled.” – Andrew Gabelic In this 15 minute podcast, I go deep into our ingrained obsession with what others think of us, where it comes from, how it has …
Listen If You Are Stressed About a Major Decision (PODCAST)
“Forks in the Road” by Andrew Gabelic “There are many paths up the mountain, but the summit is the same. Fear not, for there are no forks in the road.” – Andrew Gabelic In this 10 minute podcast, I go deep into the circular mind debate we go through before making major life decisions. We look at the highs and …
Are ‘Success Experts’ Telling the Truth About Taking Big Risks? (PODCAST)
“Mimicking Both Voices in Your Head” by Andrew Gabelic “Knowing that ‘huge risks’ always lead to ‘huge rewards’ is deeply comforting, because we are naturally attracted to shortcuts and quick solutions to highly complex problems.” – Andrew Gabelic Are you debating going all out? Quitting your job, taking a leap of faith, and going after what you’ve always wanted? What if …
The Conflict Resolution Secret You Must Know
Walking up to your run of the mill government office with a bitter and unhelpful employee, you know you’re in for a little bit of a struggle. You need to get your papers done, but you know she’s not interested in helping you just from seeing her unhappy face. You hand over the documents and she stares. You explain what you …
The Future Begins Today (a poem)
Tomorrow, Everything will change tomorrow, I will be invincible tomorrow, My life will be better tomorrow. Today, Everything is wrong today, A necessary evil today, Not content, Not comfortable, Not happy, Today. I must wait my turn today, Earn my success today, Ignore the pain today, Make it to tomorrow, Today. Spring is on the horizon, Happiness …
Read This if You Don’t Beleive in Karma
How many guardian angels have swept in from the shadows to change the circumstances in your life? Somebody introduced your grandfather to your grandmother. Somebody recommended your mother for the most important opportunity in her life. Somebody helped your father through his most difficult life crisis, where he formed the wisdom that saved you. Somebody chose your university application over …