Our Greatest Strength and Most Limiting Weakness: We All Care What People Think (PODCAST)

In Professional Advice, Romance, Self-Development, Spirituality by Andrew GabelicLeave a Comment

“The Panopticon” by Andrew Gabelic

“There is who you are, and there is who you think you are because it’s who others want you to be. Sometimes one has the other strangled.” – Andrew Gabelic

In this 15 minute podcast, I go deep into our ingrained obsession with what others think of us, where it comes from, how it has driven us since the dawn of humanity, and how it is both our greatest strength and most limiting weakness.

Prefer to read? Why?! Listening is fun! The audio is designed to be a part of the experience. Give it a shot. If you still refuse, here is the transcript. But seriously, it’s not published as a blog post for a reason =).

Andrew Gabelic is the CEO & Founder of Teledipity, a free pocket life coach with an eerie ability to send you the right self-improvement content at the right time (based on your personality and life stage). Check out what it says about you!